Paxil withdrawal

3rd day with out it , so anxious, think I’m going crazy. The people on this site that don’t like me, you win. Here you go.

Why did you stop it ? Nobody dislikes you here.


It was my doctor’s plan and I agreed. I wasn’t feeling well on it, I was super anxious. I just gotta get through these withdrawals.

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Hope it gets better for you @TheCanuk, and I don’t dislike you.

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The anxiety could be coming from abilify too. In fact I was offered an antidepressant to help with it lol.

I hope it’s just withdrawal and you can get through it.

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I don’t think it’s the abilify. The abilify has significantly decreased my paranoia of getting shot by the sketchy gang members in my city.


I was on 40 mg./day for just around 15 years. I went off it because of the sexual dysfunction. My doc tapered me off pretty quickly and it was really rough for about 3 months. I was very jittery :grimacing:, though it does gradually get better. After about 2 1/2 - 3 months, I was feeling better and glad to be rid of it. Tell your doctor how you’re feeling. Maybe he/she has something else to ease the withdrawal. Paxil, that is.

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I hope that you’ll do fine once the withdrawl is over!

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Also, no more sexual dysfunction without the Paxil. Now, I take Zoloft.

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I hear you paxil withdrawl is no fun. I went off it cold turkey without my doctor’s supervision and that’s part of the reason I lost my last job. That I don’t recommend, keep your doctor in the loop. Hang in there though, it does get better after a couple weeks!

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Thanks for the opinions/sharing experiences everyone

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