Panic attacks - Lexapro

A couple days ago I went to the ER with severe symptoms (headache, neck pain, nausea, shaking, blurry vision) thinking I have some rare whatever. You know where this is going. They gave me a cocktail of fluids, benadryl, something for headaches, and Ativan, and I was finally able to sleep and feel better.

Once the meds wore off, all my symptoms came back ten fold. Went to my new GP earlier today, and by the time I got there I knew I was having a severe panic attack. Worst I’ve had before. I’m actually surprised it’s taken this long to manifest.

She insisted I take Xanax, despite my hatred of the drug and protest, because I was visibly in distress, and she would only prescribe 20 pills with no refills. She also prescribed me Lexapro, which she wants me to be on daily going forward.

No, she does not know about my voices or psychosis. Even though I recognize I need to be hospitalized, it’s just not the right time, due to circumstances I won’t/can’t express here.

I’m not concerned much about the Xanax bc I do need it rn. I feel a lot better, and even clear headed since it took my panic attack away.

My concern is, will Lexapro potentially make my psychosis worse? I took Lexapro as a teen but I honestly don’t remember how it effected me, I was on so many then and that was almost two decades ago, at a time when psychosis wasn’t present.

Does anyone take this? I understand it’s also for depression, but she primarily prescribed it for anxiety. I’d like to hear any experience with it though.

I’m going to give it an honest try, something I’m not good at doing with these types of drugs, but my situation is desperate enough I know I need any potential help. Pretty big step for me, even if it isn’t an anti psychotic, I’m morally and ethically conflicted about it.

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To be clear, I haven’t felt like I’ve been “in a psychotic episode” in some months, even though I have residual symptoms, mainly voices, tactiles, and mild visuals, my delusions are also mild and easily dismissed.

My primary concern is triggering full blown psychosis.

Pays to be upfront about the positives and symptoms. You have a broken leg the pain will make you find a path to fixing it. Brain not much so. I’m unsure about the med but for short term anxiety xanax would probably do the job…I’m not a doctor though which is the problem. You need to hook up with a shrink and sort out your symptom set if your losing function. You really do and pays to avoid pot and streets for a while for sure…


I wish you well and hope things get better with Xanax.

I know nothing of Lexapro though. Can’t help there.

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I’m on a wait list for a psychiatrist. It’s incredibly difficult to find one outside of this particular wait list who doesn’t want $400+ per visit, without insurance, and I’m uninsured.

The only way I could get help for psychosis rn is if I was hospitalized. The last time I was uninsured and hospitalized it cost me $20k.

I’m also dealing with extraordinary circumstances I can’t speak to, but which complicate my ability to go, but thank you for the advice.

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Yeah hearing that. Still. Hospitalisation is expensive and perhaps there’s a clinic or something where you can get some meds. I know you probably don’t want to hear it but if your losing function then the antipsychotics will probably stabilise you. I hate the american medical system but try to get out of it what you can. Like xanax is a stop gap. I think even you know there’s deeper issues there that you need to address…

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I agree. I also haven’t ruled out completely that there’s something else more serious going on that remains undiscovered. Even now, I’m starting to have symptoms again and may end up back in the ER as instructed by my GP, if they don’t subside in the next day.

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I can understand the trepidation. It’s scary but you need to look after you and yours and psychosis is a major issue. Lose insight and it goes south very quickly. You might need to be more open to trying an ap. They are pretty brutal but for people like me they work. If your in the same realms then it’s probably something you’ll run into anyhow and better to do it on your terms and not the other. Just a thought but hope you sort it out. I don’t think an ad will do much in your current situation but I’m not sure about lexapro!

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Fractaled I know a gal who has significant anxiety/panic symptoms who was helped tremendously by lexapro for many years until it conked out on her. She isn’t diagnosed sz but she does seem to have some psychotic symptoms that have popped up from time to time throughout her life during times of stress. Everyone is different, but there is one example of someone that it did work for.

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Thank you @Leaf, that’s encouraging.

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You’re welcome. I hope it works and you find yourself feeling better. If it doesn’t work for you I highly recommend Cymbalta. It works so well on my anxiety I’m surprised when I get any now. I was anxious about my health problems I’m having right now and it took me a while to realize what the feeling was. It seemed foreign cus it’s rare anymore.

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I’ve never tried to treat my anxiety, despite having a history of panic attacks. I think it will be good for me to start. I’ll look into Cymbalta if Lexapro doesn’t work, what you describe sounds wonderful rn.

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Once you are able to experience anxiety like it’s just any other emotion, not this overwhelming, visceral disorder, life becomes so much easier and more pleasant. I used to have to plan everything around whether or not it was going to trigger my anxiety. Now if my anxiety is triggered I just control it just like I would anger, jealousy, sadness or fear. It takes practice, just as those other emotions did when we were children. I wish we were taught to manage anxiety when we were young, it seems like there is no awareness that it’s a problem, yet everyone I know seems to struggle with it.

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This is too familiar. I avoid a lot of things because of anxiety. Normal activities can be devastating to me.

This is really helpful to hear. Thanks, @Leaf, I think I really needed to hear this.

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I’m glad. I wish you much luck.

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Actually when I was on Invega, lexapro reduced my depression and made me more stable schizophrenia wise. The only drawback was that it caused insomnia and some sexual problems. Also note worthy is that I relapsed on Invega+lexapro, but i dont think lexapro has anything to do with it

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The insomnia might be a problem in the future, but I’m also experiencing a lot of insomnia because of the anxiety itself. Sex isn’t even a concern to me lately. I can do without.

Thanks @Newlyborn, I’m glad you don’t feel it worsened your psychosis.

Insomnia might wean off with time, the drug affects everyone differently. Some people experience that it causes severe sleepiness, but i found it stimulating. It actually reduced my symptoms, cause on low dose of Invega I was borderline psychotic and lexapro even improved my sz symptoms. Sexual side effects are mild with lexapro and dose dependant. Did you start taking the lexapro already? Also you might be suffering as some members on this forum said from psychotic anxiety, so adding another AP or increasing thę dosage might be more beneficial. I am on two APs and i dont suffer from anxiety or panic attacks anymore

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I haven’t taken the Lexapro yet, no, I was going to wait until 24 hours passed so I can be sure this all isn’t being caused by something else.

I’m currently running a fever of 101.5, and I was cleared of covid, flu, and strep.

I do think it’s possible there’s something serious going on.

Best to take it is in the morning first time to see how it works. The best antidepressant for panic attacks ive found to be is trintellix, but in the US is absurdly expensive

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