Oxytocin Shows No Effect in Schizophrenia

AMSTERDAM — Two small studies failed to detect any functional improvement from the use of intranasal oxytocin (multiple brands) in patients with schizophrenia, even when coupled with social skills training, research presented here indicates.

“The hypothesis was that oxytocin would increase understanding of emotions, empathy, and facial expression and that the combination of oxytocin and social skills training would bring the highest level of improvement,” Mark Weiser, MD, chairman of psychiatry, Tel Aviv University, Israel, told delegates.

“But the bottom line was in our hands ― in these patients, oxytocin was not efficacious in improving social function in schizophrenia.”


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Why would you post this?..
Do you want us to be junkies?

How the bleeping hell does that post of mind indicate I want you or anyone else to be a junkie.
You’re bordering on trolling.

Im sorry man/mam
I actually am trolling because I only show up when im medicated.
I was just thinking that anything about oxy shouldnt be put out there.

The first thing that I thought about was getting high whrn i seen your article…and I don’t even do that stuff

Oxycontin is some good stuff to get high, but not good for schizophrenics and the schizophrenia symptoms.:scream::japanese_ogre::skull::ghost::clap::v:

Is Oxytocin different from oxycontin? Is it an opiate? Confused. Never got into opiates thank God.

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Must read this , at one stage it was promising…

well thats a bummer, I thought oxytocin might be useful.