Over the years I have lost many friends and family...how about you?

I have lost five friends and five family members…have you lost a lot of people too? I think of them often…


Had a decent size group of friends all gone since sz, had a small family they all stopped talking to me after finding out I had sz except my mom, they weren’t very fond of me to begin with tho. I have a few people on this forum I game with tho and talk with.


Nah, only lost people that weren’t that good of friends I suppose. Not even entirely sure if they bailed on me cause of my mental illness.

I have nobody left. I pushed everyone away. :hatched_chick::hatched_chick::hatched_chick:


do you mean death? i haven’t lost any friends to death, but my aunt died a couple years ago. everybody in my family is getting old, so i will have to go to a lot of funerals the next 10 years.

as far as losing contact with friends, i lost all my friends when i was diagnosed except for 1, so 30-40 people, but i made friends with a couple older ladies i see once or twice a year. i used to have lots of friends, but not anymore, im also not as social nowadays, so maybe it’s a good thing.

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I have travelled constantly for the past 5 years (at least twice a year) and I’ve not been able to maintain friendships. I have never really been good with that but I make up for that by spending quality time whenever I can. I meet new people wherever I go.

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So many of the old-timers who were there for me when I came into AA have passed or are likely close to it. They’re very much my family and each one that I lose leaves a void in my life that’s hard to fill.


I’ve accepted long ago that the three people who you thought were your friends just aren’t your friends. I have lots of acquaintances but no one I have seriously bonded with. That’s okay. I’m an introvert so sometimes less is better. Love the few online friends I have because I can take my time to write out posts and stuff without going through that anxiety provoking pressure.

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You haven’t pushed us away so you aren’t completely alone.


I come from an immigrant family that is huge. About 40 people, and we all gathered for holidays. Now, only three of them speak to me. My mom, sister, and little brother. It had nothing to do with me being sz, though. They don’t like that I’m trans.


I haven’t lost any more friends or family than a normal person. I just haven’t replaced them.

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Thanks. That is nice of you to say. :chipmunk::chipmunk::chipmunk:

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I don’t know why but I rarely find myself missing people for very long. Others seem to miss people for so much longer. I’ve only lost three family members but I was very close to two of them.

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I wouldn’t say i lost them, its just we got different interest and don’t meet that often anymore. Sometimes we hear from each other and are on the phone.

When I left an abusive relationship my family treated me awfully. So after a couple years of being treated bad I cut everyone off.

My inlaws are trash, so we cut them off about 4 years ago. My husband just started talking to his brother again.


Yah we are all only internet friends but you have a lot of people here who care about you and want to know how you are doing.

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sorry…this is a good thread but I was talking about losing someone to death…just losing friends and family while they are still alive is just as sad and just as hard to get over…


Oh yeah I’ve lost only my step grandpa and my grandma.

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Oops sorry for hijacking your thread. :fish::fish::fish:

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I lost my best friend because he committed suicide.

I also lost two aunts, my maternal grandfather, and both my paternal grandparents.

So yeah, a lot of loss.