Origins Of Schizophrenia May Be Found In Early Embryonic Development

A tendency toward schizophrenia may originate during the first month of fetal development, according to researchers who grew “mini-brains,” or organoids, to find a possible genetic basis for the disorder.


This article ands up with Immunology aspect, couldn’t copy, as they find that maternal infection may result in adult schizophrenia…
It is already proven. Influenca A during pregnancy has 7 fold chance that a baby will develop schizophrenia as adult…

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From text…
“Animals treated with specific cytokines of epidermal growth factor, IL-1, IL-6, and neuregulin-1 as embryos or neonates exhibit schizophrenia-like behavioral abnormalities after puberty, some of which are ameliorated by treatment with antipsychotics.”

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