So. I actually watched a whole movie. Took me 3 sessions because it’s hard with dad hogging the tv through the day so have to watch in the morning before he gets up which is like 6-7 am…
Anyways. Watched the Tarantino " Once Upon a Time in Hollywood " . Like style wise was nice 70’s hip but wtf was it supposed to achieve? Just didn’t get it on any level. It was ok technically but just the subject matter was a little offensive to me…like what if… If you’ve seen it. Just didn’t think the subject matter and narrative was anything other than stupid…R1’s movie review for April 2020. I’m gonna pick something else for my next one for sure…any suggestions of quality new movies coming to stream/dvd? ( I actually am going to order in a dvd player this pay which is tomorrow…and ordered a movie on dvd through ebay )
New challenge in my life. Do a movie every fortnight at least. I used to love movies and I’ll reclaim that one film at a time…This movie. 2 Stars.