I’m probably a 9 or a 10
I can never recognize when I have feelings. Unless hyper is a feeling, because I get that one a lot, and it’s probably a 9.
yea i have a hard time recognize feelings too. when i do they are usually at one extreme or the other.
It depends on what the issue is. I feel extremely strong about doctors playing with my life just as some sort of power trip. They don’t have to endure the treatment they dish out. My emotions are kind of removed from the real world, though. I spend time in fantasy. It weakens my daily interaction in the real world.
Eight. It used to be over nine thousand
depends on the day…
I don’t have very strong feelings often. Lately I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress. Some people feel stronger emotions than others. But I tear up at sad news and I have high empathy that compensates for lack of feelings or emotional expression.
In my manic or psychotic states I felt intense emotions and so I was way more sensitive to pain and mistreatment, thoughts…I had more energy so I could express more. It is a hard battle: either feel too much or feel too little. Feeling less is sometimes safer than feeling too much.
i had rage today like 7 i think
I would say 2-3. I feel great.
It always seem pretty normal to me but people say I’m an emotional person.
I’m a very sensitive person. I’m hurt easily. I would say I’m average (a 5? Most days) but when I’m emotional, I’m way more than a 10.
Most days 6 other days can be 9 10