Om's Madhouse 3

It’s a delusion, my friend

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Have you watched the Pi movie by Darren Arofronysky?

No. What is it about? watch trailer

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I got pattern obsessions overall since after all my psychotic episodes. I got like 200 pages open to remember to check stuff later.

I have obsessions with my “delusions”.
I ruminate on them all day.

200 pages on the browser?

On my phone browser. I’ll check them thru again with sane mind

Don’t overthink. Find distractions

My phone browser has :smiley: icon on it with so many pages open

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Lol. Does it even work with so many pages?

My computer runs out of memory with so many pages but phone seems to work like nothing is open

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Good phone. So what obsessions do you have now? What kind of open pages do you have?

I open a page when I get mind pops out of nowhere. They correlate so I’ll look them thru later. It’s like something helps me when I get psychosis

When you get mind pops?

Scientific stuff mostly that I may not consciesly know about

Tesla got lot of ideas in his daydreams but I don’t really even understand about the stuff I get but at least it’s on google

Are you into conspiracy theories or something similar?

Just theories but I do believe in alien involvement with human race

I used to believe that aliens were reading my mind and spying on me. My mind was transparent, i had no privacy.
But my pdoc and mother told me what if they really read your mind? What’s the problem? Do you have anything to hide?

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