I babysat twice today. Once a one year old by myself for two hours then a newborn and the one year old with the help of my mom and niece. It’s 7:56pm and I’m finally home to chill. I went to day treatment, babysat, and napped and that was my day. It’s stressful taking care of kids. I never want kids lol. I’m now decompressing and chilling on my couch. Anyone not want kids cause the effort?
I heard will ferrell say “we thought about how much work kids are, and said, nah, doesn’t look like fun”. ha
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Yeah i dont want any
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Lol yeah. They’re ok when they’re older. I’m actually looking forward to hanging out with my nephew this weekend cause we play cod. I couldn’t do two babies daily though. It’s an insane amount of attention and stress for me.
Little ones are high maintenance but once around eight the practical neediness wears off and they really are more mature and interactive as they age. Ideally.
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Yeah my nephew is 12 and his sister is 9. They’re really cool and pretty much take care of their own attention.
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