Ohhh I woke up happy

loooooools :grinning::grinning: this gonna be a fun day :smiley:


Yay! Glad to hear it! :smiley:

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thanks @Berru :smiley:

does anyone get a bit weird and type funny on their phone… i am using my computer for that reason…

Well, I have long nails, so I have to twist my fingers in order to hit the right letters on my phone. Then, when I cut the nails, I’m so used to twisting my fingers, that I suddenly can’t hit anything right :stuck_out_tongue:

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I type better on my phone because i have suggestions on my gogle keyboard, i’ve switch it from Romanian to English, and i type better now from my phone

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nails? maybe i have fat fingerssss… that was my excuse to get big screen :joy: everyone says my phone to big but i show them size of my finger

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hahaha :laughing:

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