Oh man, i just got the big ole IDK rejection

I’ve been thinking a lot about dating, as I’ve never had one before, so I thought I would ask some girl out who I know from church. We had a long conversation after I said I wasn’t being facetious, and I asked her out and she said she didn’t know. I thought maybe this might help my self-esteem and image, but I guess it just lowered it lol.


Dude be glad you went for it. Congrats! Maybe she’s just not ready. Stay friends and maybe it’ll work out in the future dude


Hey man, that’s a big step. You took a chance, and she may say no but the world didn’t end. The thing is, you gotta play the odds. The more girls you ask, the better chance that one may say yes.

It was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.


its only a rejection if she says no, sounds like she left the door open on this :slight_smile:


You should be proud of yourself for having the guts to ask someone out.


It might not have helped that I did it through Snapchat. Maybe I’ll ask in person next time, but it’s hard because I have disorganized speech a lot.


Good on you for trying. I still like to flirt sometimes, but I could never ask someone out again. I just couldn’t hold up my end of the board. Maybe you just caught her by surprise?


I got rejected a lot at the beginning when approaching girls in nightclubs until one night a girl and her friend came talk to me. I had my eye on the blond one and we talked about what we do in life etc at the end she approached me and we started to dance, at the end I asked her phone number. After a week of texting she invited me to a party so I drove there with her. After the party she told me you can sleep at my house, so I did lol

My parents were mad that I didn’t sleep at home that night.


Now I don’t really want a gf as I have severe negative symptoms, always stay at home and most of the time in bed :slightly_frowning_face:

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I went to a lot of nightclubs with friends to try my luck. My friends had much more luck than me but I got what I wanted eventually.


I just got the silence rejection. I didn’t ask anyone out.

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Getting rejected is all part of the experience. It sucks, and it hurts, and you were still brave enough to try. Get some ice cream and some music,and let yourself feel this. It is part of growing up.

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‘I don’t know’ could also be an attempt at politely letting someone down.

It’s better not to assume there’s a chance unless the person asked gives a positive answer.


‘idk’ is neither positive or negative, it is somewhere in the middle i’d say, its a bit like saying maybe, i guess it depends on a lot of other things as well though like facial expression, etc

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Still. Lots of people use idk as a way to not commit to anything without risking anger or awkwardness over a no.

If I tell someone idk and they say “well at least it’s not a no, so there’s still a chance” that pings my ‘creep’-radar.


nothingg creepy about it, if you dont make clear that your not interested then its your own fault for not making it cleaar, why give someone false hope?

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It’s not my fault if someone clings onto hope enough to not take the hint
Maybe or idk is not a yes, and should not be taken as proof there’s a chance. If the person doesn’t say yes, chances are they’re scared to reject you directly and is trying to bring your hopes down without things turning ugly.


is not aa no either tecchniccally

that is just your opinion

maybe the person needs time to think about it, you just dont know

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That’s true, I don’t know.

All I know is when I’ve said no to guys, they’ve got upset or pushed for reasons or tried to negotiate.
When I’ve given a passive answer, they’ve said “ok we’ll talk about it later” and I’ve been able to gently avoid the subject until they forget or move on.

It’s dangerous and toxic to treat a passive answer as a possible yes. Sorry to say, but it is. It’s what allows guys to push the boundaries of insecure women.


you must have a very low opinion of guys then,

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