Not my other dog too ;_;

My dog Sasha was put down in February because she would not get better after becoming paralyzed, and now my other dog is sick, having seizures and not doing anything. Why does Satan hate us so much and not want us to be happy? ;_; I am sick of losing my family, and yes I consider dogs family too. I freaking hate this! My other dog is going to die and I can’t do anything about it!

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Gosh I’m so sorry to hear that. I don’t know what else to say. I am sad for you.

Try not to worry. I take it the vets seeing him/her now? Or is that in motion? .

She is trying to get up, we are still at home, our van broke down…

they go to a better place…’ doggy heaven '…with bacon sandwiches served by angels.
take care :alien:

Make sure your dogs warm and comfort him/her. Hopefully the car will be fixed soon.

i have been.and she has been shivering so much…

I’m sorry, if you want to try praying. I don’t believe in religion but that’s what people do when they want a miracle… Idk my older dog died too Although I didn’t feel bad I know most people feel bad and I am sorry. Idk I hope your dog gets better. IDK I wouldn’t know I haven’t been sad in a while. Sorry for you… Sorry I’m trying to be honest maybe try to pray or something IDK sorry… :frowning:

My dog is going to die soon, we are going to have to put her down tomorrow if she is having a hard time still.

I am truly sorry about your situation - God how I love dogs

sorry about your dogs @anon59133895

i hated losing our first dog that i grew up with, it died on christmas eve 2008 and we buried him out back, he was a brilliant dog :frowning:

its such a shame, people die, dogs, animals, flowers :frowning: i don’t think anything lasts forever anymore

my dad died last july and its like things are so different without him :frowning: he just made everybody feel that bit better, i miss him so much, he died too young but thats just the way of life i guess, we are all going to go at some point,

i bet you have a lot of happy memories of those dogs and they will have of you, and they will take those memories with them,

hope this helps

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That’s terrible news. Dogs are so much nicer and loving than people ever are. They don’t deserve to go through this. Sending hugs

we are taking her to get put to sleep today as soon as my dad is ready… ;_;

follow up: she is dead,she is not suffering anymore, so that is good…

I am sorry for your loss.

I am sorry to hear about your dog. It is sad to lose someone so dear. About twenty years ago, we had to put one of my beloved cats to sleep; because she had cancer. My sister; who has since passed away herself; did it for me and said it was the hardest thing she ever did. My last two cats passed away of natural causes in my apartment. I presently have a beautiful cat who loves and adores me and I love and adore. I hope when the time is right for you; you find another dog to love as you have loved this one so very much! Please be comforted with your memories and know that his suffering his over. My thoughts are with you.

thank you. I am glad she isn’t suffering now, and I know I’ll see her and my older dog again.

Sorry for your loss @anon59133895

Sorry for your loss. But rest assured if there is a heaven or whatever, pets will take pride of place.