NOOTROPICS for BRAIN UPGRADE ---> Schizophrenia + Anhedonia

I use to take 20 mg olanzapine and 4 mg resperidone

It’s a long story and I can’t even remember it or have the ability to explain

I stoped taking Resperidone 4mg

I used Sacosine 250 grams and Noopept 100 grams

and posted on this forum.

Sarcosine didn’t give me Motivation

Then I came to know that I also have Depression along with Sarcosine

Then I understood all my negative thoughts+reactions+memories are DEPRESSION—AMYGDALA related.

After using 100 grams nootropic-noopept my brain upgraded permanently

I no longer have anxiety and I do have anhedonia

I don’t have money

I realized if I had money I will use ALL NOOTROPICS FOR REST OF MY LIFE.

Nootropics upgrade brain and they are good for ANXIETY and DEPRESSION – it depends upon which nootropic you use

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Nootropics are good for all brains including Schizop…


You used 100 grams of Noopept ? The usual dosage is 10-30mg 1-3 x per day.

I feel that the Sarcosine I have been taking has somehow altered the way perceive intrusive thoughts. Yes it does seem to have a permanent affect. I don’t know if it is a good idea to keep taking it or not. It’s like getting an operation and then having it done again, so I am going to have to try it again just out of curiosity. I like to experience the effects of different chemicals anyway, you know like coffee and sugar for example. Dreaming has become more of a positive experience as well.

I think it is important to have natural ingredients. I think when it is natuarl you should not have side effect. I had a long time depressions and during my finals it was horrible. I used nootropics to get more concentraited, to stay focussed you know. I tried a lot of brain supplements but at the end I decided for nootropic plus because it is cheap and it is a nice product. That is theire website:
Hope I can help you a little bit