New Years Resolution

My new years resolution, starting from today is to wake up early in the morning. This would be life changing for me. I went to bed at 2am last night, and got up at 8:30am today. Somehow I slept brilliantly and my dreams were extremely vivid. I had deja vu in my dream and dreamt I was in a simulation video game.

I got lucky with the ladies in my dreams :wink:, so I can’t complain haha.

What’s your New Years Resolution?..


Mine is to start exercising a minimum of 4 days a week.


Man, I don’t even know.

Not exactly a New Years resolution- but I want to stop my intake of nicotine. Before New Years.

I would also like to lose some weight.


I’ve got loads.
Go to the gym twice a week.
Go outside at least every other day.
Join a new activity in the new year.
Try a new recipe once a month.
Drink less beer!
Walk more instead of getting the bus.


Lose some weight in a healthy way.

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last years bill, get out more, rock my ass off. oh and save more needed money.


To survive long enough to make another new year’s resolution.

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hey wasn’t that last years resolution?

To lose all this fukking weight that’s dragging me down


thank you for saying this that how i feel about my self

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