Hi guys. I just joined the forum. I’m diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and have been for about 15 years. I take max dosage abilify and my positive symptoms are really controlled and I am very stable on this dosage.
I have however for years now struggled severely with negative symptoms especially lack of drive and motivation.
Recently though, I’ve started publishing a weekly, mental wellness magazine seeing as my negative symptoms have greaty improved with supplements ranging from high caffeine preworkout powder to b complex tabs.
Anyway, hello from me here in South Africa…
Hi There. Welcome to the forum.
I’d like to suggest you change your name. This forum is searchable through Google and for privacy reasons it’s best not to use your real name for a screen name. If you give me a new one here, I can change it
Glad to hear of your recovery!
Wow, a mental wellness magazine. I wonder if you’re allowed to post the name.
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Thanks so much. Could you change it to Salemdash perhaps?
Sure thing. I’ll do it now.
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Not sure hey. I’m still wotking on getting the website up and running, but I’ll keep you in the loop. I’m working on issue #2 which will be mailed n sent via WhatsApp coming Sunday
What I can do is have the Facebook page up and running by coming Monday and you can request from there if you’d like a copy of said magazine. Its entitled Elpidos Weekly after the Greek word for hoping or simply hope.
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Hello and welcome! I will say that offsite communication is technically against the rules. That said, we don’t monitor private messages
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Bienvenido al foro de discusion en el internet sobre la enfermedad mental.
Welcome to the discussion forum of the internet about/over mental illness.
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Hi there welcome to the forum,
I’m in the UK, whats it like in South Africa?
good luck with the magazine
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Hi. So our lockdown restrictions have been eased, but believe it or not the selling of cigarettes have been outlawed here. We buy on the “black market” now, but are paying up to 8 times the price than usual. Otherwise surviving and looking ahead! I stay in a home for people with schizophrenia and bipolar mood disorder. I’ve been at the home for 8 years now. My mom founded it and manages it…
What cigarettes are illegal?
Is it due to covid19?? Forever?
There’s a court case to fight it, and petitions etc. I hope the ban is lifted, but it was put in place cause of covid yes…Politics are a big mess in South Africa, the less I say about it the better actually…
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Welcome to the forum!
I’m on here a lot during the late night and afternoon, U.S. time.
I’m also diagnosed with schizophrenia.
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Thanks and pleased to meet you!
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I think cigs will be banned in uk in the near future,