Neurofeedback update

So i’ve been doing neurofeedback for 3 months now on and off. I bought my own equipment and software to save on costs. I think it’s $100-150 per session if you choose the practitioner route. If you buy your own equipment at the minimum it’s $500 for the amplifier and $500 for the software + the cost of electrodes and paste which shouldn’t cost more than $150, which is a lot more cost effective.

As far as the results I’ve noticed that I am feeling much more relaxed and calm kind of like a mild euphoria. The best way i can describe it is it feels like a very pleasant feeling inside my brain.

I ruminate way less than before. I used to constantly remember embarrassing experiences, and also constantly analyzing my social interactions. When I remember these negative memories I curse to myself. It could get awkward sometimes because I would have these memories when other people are around and if the memory was strong enough I would curse and everyone would hear it and they’d look at me weird. Now these memories pop up a lot less than before and when they do i feel like i have more control over my reaction to it.

Also my concentration is up. My work performance is a lot better, making fewer mistakes, etc.

What i would like to see improvements on are things like processing speed, verbal fluency and willpower. For this, I plan on adding HEG to my neurofeedback regimen. HEG involves increasing blood perfusion in the prefrontal cortex. I’ve only been doing EEG neurofeedback which has to do with electrical activity in the brain. Hopefully i’ll see improvements in those areas after adding HEG in.

I’ve only been training with low risk EEG nfb protocols that’s been proven to work for people generally, instead of specifically for schizophrenia. Later down the road i hope to find and consult a psychiatrist who both has expertise in schizophrenia and neurofeedback, so he can suggest protocols for my negative symptoms like alogia and avolition, and maybe positive symptoms so i can eventually switch to a med that has fewer side effects.

I think there’s something to neurofeedback. I don’t think the benefits i’ve been experiencing is placebo. There was a point in my training where I trained with the wrong protocol by mistake and I ended up feeling worse. Then I made adjustments and felt better. I don’t think that can happen with placebo.

Anyways i’ll continue to train give another update 3 months from now. :smile:


Thanks for sharing experiences. I believe neurofeedback can work. It quickly (in a few sessions) improved or worsened my symptoms with different protocols. Im not sure if it is lasting though, i stopped quickly because i didnt like side effects and then its effects disappeared. It blunted my feelings in the protocol that stopped psychosis.


Wow. Didn’t think it could work that fast for psychosis. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Glad the neurofeedback system worked for you. It’s a shame the cost is so high which is for roughly $50 of parts on the steep end.

There are no patents on it as far as I know so some benevolent electrical engineer type should just sweep in and make cheap systems for mass consumption, since the benefits are so great.

At the least you can cheap out on the gel, which is just “electrode gel”, and nothing special, you can get it for $5 online.


Not sure if it does for everyone. The practitioner was surprised by the fast response, both in the EEG and my experience. I respond sensitively to everything - meds, hormones, etc.


I’m the same way with meds.

The problem is that if the med has side effects, boy we really get those side effects to a greatest extent. But if it works at all??? It really damn works well/is effective.

That’s why abilify is good for me. For some people it’s not strong enough but for sensitive people like myself it is the right AP. Plus abilify typically doesn’t have too many side effects. For me at 10 mg it has next to none as far as aps go.

Yes, i had horrible side effects on regular doses and the docs wouldnt believe me and just forced their meds on me. I got terribly afraid of both meds and doctors.

Id snap right out of psychosis with one dose of haldol though.

Abilify didnt work for me, when in fullblown psychosis. I have thought about retrying it now im more stable. Now on the lowest possible dose of haldol (0.5mg).

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I googled it and this came up :frowning:

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