Has anyone tried the NAMI support groups? They dont have any in person ones near me, but theres a peer to peer one on zoom this monday. I was thinking of trying it, but its for all mental illnesses, and im worried there wont be any other people with sz. Just wanted to get others input.
We use to have NAMI in person meetings in my town before I was sz I went for my panic disorder most people were there for depression I didn’t feel like I fit in.
So actually this week I contacted them again bcz they quit meetings in my county and your right it’s all zoom meetings in certain places and I reconsidered cause I feel I really wouldn’t fit in more so now, that just my opinion.
Thats what im worried about too. Im worried I’ll just feel even more alone.
I guess we could always try it and not say much to get a feel of the room to see if anyone else is in the sz struggle.
I think im going to do that. Give it a chance. See if i make any connections.
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