Can someone change my name to “NonExistant”
Hmmm… Idk how I feel about this username… Perhaps I’m embracing the
void too much… Well I can always change it again later…
D’oh… I hate it
Will people freaking quit changing their names??
It’s confusing.
Sorry… For me, it’s for anonymity (sort of)
I’ll come up with a better name later. I’ve always been bad at coming up with usernames, sorry guys.
No kidding. Did velociraptor change hers? She hasn’t been on lately.
I’m still fairly new around here, so you guys aren’t missing out on anything
Who did you use to be?
I made a brief attempt at a name change recently but changed my mind.
I’m still thinking about another name change soon.
I recommend “Tsunami” 'cuz you’re a big deal.
Ha thanks @shutterbug
Theres only one @shutterbug cough velo
People always be startin’ rumours.
nickatnight. I need to find something for my profile picture, so I feel distinguishable
actually, it doesn’t matter.
Are these the pronouns that we’re sticking with?
The New Rules say she can use whatever she wants. She’s a clever girl so we should all trust her judgement.
OK, motard moderators, I think you have 4 choices:
Assign me the username Clint
Assign me the username cb1
Put up with me saying “Arrrrr” for a while.
Suspend my forum account.
Which way you want it?