NA? AA? Something else?

I’m having issues taking medicine as prescribed. I need help. I cannot afford counseling. I’ve left a message with my pdoc’s office letting them know the gist and asking about injectable APs. But I don’t know if I’d fit in at one of the “anonymous” groups. Will I seem silly going to NA if I’ve never had an issue with narcotics? Or AA if I’ve never even been drunk and am genuinely scared of drunk people? I don’t know where to go…

OA overeaters anonymous.

Maybe there’s a NAMI meeting near you? I went to a meeting once and people seemed nice.

A big part of AA is listening to other people speak at meetings and being able to relate to what they’re sharing. If you have no shared experience with addiction, it’s very unlikely you will benefit from the program. It’s also problematic for members who believe they’re sharing with fellow alkies at a closed meeting and there is a non-alkie there.

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My problem is with my prescriptions, so I do have the addiction part. I just don’t know which one to head to.

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Thank you. I won’t go to AA.

you want NA. I went there for a stint when I thought I could stop smoking weed and most members didn’t appreciate me falling down all the time but it works if you really try. I just didn’t try…

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There was a time I went twice a week, once a week, and then there’s the years I went every day up to three times a day. I swear I think it’s a more powerful program in a small town. I live in a densely populated area and it is like a bus station. I never go these days. I need to see somebody or else two years old me will appear and I’ll get arrested for public disturbance again. I need people skills. My therapist is expecting me to come in soon and I have a wellness exam at my general practitioner doctor in a couple of months.

There’s a place I know where they hold meetings. I should go. I just catch the bus outside my door.

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