My USSR adventures

Many thoughts came to my mind, but now I want to write about my adventure in the USSR. I visited the USSR twice, Moscow in 1987 (I was 19 years old) and Leningrad in 1989 (age 21). When I visited Moscow I stayed in Hotel Inturist. There I visited many places such as one computer tradeshow of Warsaw Pact countries. This was my first computer tradeshow. I also went to Diplomat’s club, it was a rare nightclub in Moscow where many western people visited. In the middle of the night I took a taxi from Diplomat’s club to my hotel, Hotel Inturist. My Moscow visit was a good experience. Then two years after I stayed in Leningrad for three weeks. I was meant to study Russian in Leningrad’s technological university. This was during my business studies in Finland. I went to many hotels and once I met some Soviets in the hotel room in Leningrad where we discussed how there was a stock exchange during Imperial Russia. Once I mentioned to one Estonian guide that they can buy cars in the future, but this guide replied that all cars are owned by the government. Staying in Leningrad was quite economic because I exchanged Finnish marks to Soviet rubles, got very good exchange rates. Once one Igor showed the computer technology they used in the USSR. Some Russians wanted me to be in business with them to import western computers to the USSR because the US President George Bush had approved computer sales to the USSR. I could write more, but in an overall my USSR visits were good, nice adventures. When you are young, you must see the world.


Wow cool experience.


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wow. would have loved it. my high school sweetheart went to russia in 2001 and stayed as an exchange student. brought me back a bottle of solichnaya vodka. stolichnaya vodka was our normal weekend back then lol! but she also got me a soviet pocket watch. that was cool. we also had an exchange student for a month. Dasha.

this all reminds me of the book out of the night but you were a student not an aparatchik.

very cool.

I got to see some of the world when I was young but i’ve stayed in New England mostly as an adult.

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