My son is in & out of jail - need advice from similar cases

Need help on dealing w/32 yr old schizophrenic son who cannot stay out of trouble. I read about schizophrenics who seem to be harmless & live their lives quietly. But I have yet to read & learn from violent, criminal schizophrenics, from other parents. I cry all the time, & don’t know where to turn.

I am sorry for you and your son. I hope he gets the treatment he needs.

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Emphasize to the authorities that your son is mentally ill and not always in control of his actions. Try to steer your son into the mental health branch of public service and keep him out of jail. Wait until your son’s more lucid and receptive moments to try to talk to him. You might talk to him about getting a job. That might help keep him out of trouble.


I really recommend you visit the Family forum, at You’ll find plenty of parents in a similar situation to yourself.

This is the forum for people with schizophrenia or a similar disorder, and the posters here tend to be towards the high-functioning end of the spectrum. It can be both inspiring and discouraging for a parent of someone at a different point in their recovery.

Many of the people here have gone through things similar to your son, though, and are much improved now. Good luck to both of you; I hope things get better for you.


My daughter is dead now. She was in trouble with the law herself. I would never turn her in. Schizophrenia is an extremely volatile, scary disease that can have life threatening consequences. I agree with Crimby about a course of action. You should protect yourself.


@SzAdmin: Good one to repost in the Family Area?

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I am so sorry to hear this. :frowning:


I think you’ll get more feedback from other parents. I’ve reposted your message in the “Family” forum:

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One thing you might try is try to get your son committed to a mental hospital every time after he gets out of jail. Try to create a record of him in the mental health system. Talk to him when he is lucid and let him know you’re trying to steer him into the mental health system and keep him out of jail or prison. Maybe talk to him when he is fresh out of incarceration. I don’t want to scare you, but if he goes into the prison system he might stay there. I’ve never been to prison, but I’ve heard that the things a person has to do to survive in prison can end up keeping them there for life. I saw on tv this one guy who went in to prison with a three year sentence, probably with time off for good behavior, and because of the things he had to do to survive in prison he ended up with a life sentence.

Thank you for your kind words.

He has been in the local Mental Health Care Services for the last 2 yrs. His parole officer and jail system know he is mentally ill, but say it’s no excuse for not following the law. As a convicted felon, no one will hire him or there are no apartments that will take him. It is a nightmare way to live with no help. Thank you for your help, I will talk to him about entering a mental hospital.

I’m so sorry, @Dreamer1. My heart goes out to you. I and my son both have sz, and a good portion of my heart resides with him each day. We’re both rather quiet though, and keep to ourselves.
Is your son on medication? How much control do you believe he has over his actions? Is he defiant about treatment? Has he ever been hospitalized?
Those are questions just to consider. He probably needs medication. He probably would benefit from a hospital stay and thorough evaluation. You probably need to let him go if he defiantly refuses help repeatedly, and I don’t say that lightly.
I wish him recovery and peace, but he’s got to get help. :heart:

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I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for your advice. I will talk to him about entering mental hospital. The last time we tried, we waited 9 hrs, we were locked in the lobby, you can imagine how that was. Then we were told they did not have enough beds & were told to try somewhere else.

He was diagnosed 2 yrs ago & he was glad to finally know what was wrong with him. However, it’s very hard to get medication for someone w/no insurance or income. The local clinics require hrs of waiting in lobby & he cannot sit that long, before he goes crazy. Once he made big scene of what’s taking so long, he wanted to leave, I pleaded w/him to stay.Then we were just given run around to try somewhere else. It’s a nightmare trying to get help when there is no insurance.

Thank you. I didn’t know how to find the Family category. That’s what I really need for much needed answers & support.

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Thank you so much. Family Category is exactly what I was looking for. The category I was in, is nowhere even close to the paranoid schizophrenia life that we are living. It is a complete nightmare of living in dangerous conditions.

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