My post was hidden what hypocritical bull crap

I posted a thought on my religious wievs as a post in the unusual beliefs section. Are you suggesting that schizophrenics should post about flowers??? This is religious discrimination. If I wrote good about god I feel the hippocrite who deleted it would approve it. This is very upsetting to me. I bet the one who hid it was a christian who could not tolerate another persons view on the world. Im very dissapointed, that some religions are unwanted. It feels like a lack of respect for me as a person. So ■■■■ you the one who is imagined champion of god get to put out hypocritical self absorbed judgement on my views, and feeling of psychosis. I am not sorry my spiritual struggle in schizophrenia is worthy of you hippocritical christian dooosche baggers. ■■■■ you!

Dude, it’s not because you posted about being a satanist that your post was deleted. All posts talking about religion (outside helping someone with their psychotic symptoms) are locked or deleted. Religion can be a triggering topic here so for the most part, discussing it is banned.


I think posting about religion in general is banned here. People aren’t tolerant of other people’s views and all that results is bad feelings.

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the writing was an explanation on my psychosis, and how it ended up. so I think that is awful to be deleted when I poor my heart out. So feel free to ban me. I dont care.

Just so you know @777lvxferre opening new topics about locked threads is also not OK.