My Pdoc forgot to sent my script

Now I’m panicking because I don’t have a current script for my Modafinil. I can’t function in the morning without taking this medication. I’m heavily reliant on it, I wish I wasn’t so reliant on a stimulant but it really helps me function so much better at work. I have 70 tablets remaining, and I only take one per day so it’s not like I’m running out any time soon. But it still stresses me out to not have a current script at the pharmacy with a refill. I sent her an email today, am I being silly for panicking? I have over two months of pills left but it’s probably the only med I take that I literally cannot function a day without

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how often do u see ur dr?

I see her every three months, but now we are switching to every 6 weeks since I’m trying to wean off my Loxapine

oh thats probably why she didnt call it in if shes gonna see u in 6 weeks. i have a medicine that usually lasts me 2 months and i see my dr every month so she doesnt always call it in

But I told her I needed a refill and she said she would send it. So I’m just worried

i woulda waited 6 weeks to ask for more or she might end up thinking ur addicted to it haha since its a controlled med and all that

Maybe she double checked and saw you have a two month supply and will just wait to fill it. I mean with a two month supply are you really worried about running out?

Are you addicted to the stuff?


I wouldn’t call it addicted but more of reliant on it. I’m fully dependent on it. I can’t function well without it. It wakes me up and helps me focus

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Sounds like addiction. Maybe not.

I’m not abusing it. I take it as prescribed

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Don’t you think there’s a difference between addiction and dependence?

the hard part is most people who are addicted wont admit they are. but needing more than a 2 month supply to feel safe sounds like addiction. not trying to be mean. but be careful


They can be pretty close in meaning. Yeah, I would just be careful.

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Maybe you’re right, I think it is a little silly to need a ton of supply. But I’m this way with all my meds

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There’s both physical and psychological dependence. When i took Ativan i got both physically and psychologically addicted. I experienced withdrawal physically and when i was faced with them not giving me a script for it, i got very upset mentally. I really thought i “needed” it, but getting off of it has only been good for me. But that’s a benzo, so your med might be different.

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I just sent an email to my Pdoc letting her know I didn’t need the refill till our next appointment


It’s a controlled substance. It works similar to Adderal

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Is it normally prescribed for long term use?

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The only two approved uses are for narcolepsy or chronic fatigue syndrome. I do have chronic fatigue syndrome with my POTS. But the reason I’m prescribed it is because my meds make me sleepy and it’s hard to wake up in the morning. Not sure about long term use


I have been taking 200 mg of modafinil daily for the last three years straight. It takes it an hour to finally kick in and wake me up. But without it it seems I need 3 hours to wake up. I have never abused it either and always taking it as prescribed.

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