I constantly questioned the schizophrenia dx. She assumed I wanted to have bipolar and was in denial, which further made her think it was schizophrenia. Denial being a symptom.
Anyway, it will be 8 years next month… free of psychosis.
Free of psychosis. That’s what matters.
Yes but not free of being uncomfortable in my own skin… I don’t get psychosis but I do get other symptoms.
You can’t have it all I guess.
Once you have a schizophrenia diagnosis, it’s difficult for it to be changed.
I know I’ve gone through it.
Again I wouldn’t focus so much on the dx.
It’s really positive that you’ve been psychosis free for so long @anon80629714.
If you are so concerned about your SZ dx, can’t you see another private pdoc?
All the best to you.
It’s seeing a private consultant when the schizoaffective dx was even considered and mood stabalisers introduced.
Now even the consultant (nhs) is considering it could be just pure bipolar. I see a different one or different ones should I say.
Honestly, in my opinion and from what I’ve gathered about you, you most likely suffer with some form of rapid cycling bipolar disorder.
You are high functioning and shift through different moods rapidly sometimes causing mixed episodes.
I am familiar with this kind of bipolar because I am a rapid cycler also.
Honestly I don’t think.others notice as much as I do.
What I dislike is when more dx’s pile up on what I’ve already got. For instance, now I’m being called a hoarder. Seems there’s no end to the labels. But it’s really about how we feel and feel about ourselves.
Is a SzA diagnosis ever changed - if many doctors have agreed on it for several years? Just asking for a friend. @Wave
Once my diagnosis changed from bipolar to SZA it never went back.
Yes @Tomasina doctors don’t like to mess with a SZA dx as well.
This has been my experience.
My Dr doesn’t like labels an tells me to just call it a thought disorder. Are you on meds @anon80629714. I was fine for ten years then I decided I wasn’t sz and went off meds ended up in the ER. Did that twice.
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