They found traces of blood in my mom’s urine and her white blood cells are to high they checked her for any kind of infections and they found none, she also SAW blood in her urine herself. They are testing her white blood cells again soon… Because of these things my husband and I moved in with her… I hope nothing bad happens but idk
I’ve had visible blood in my urine many times as well as a high WBC count. It’s always a severe uti.
I hope it’s not serious. Your mom is lucky to have you
Hope everything is alright with your mom!
@LilyoftheValley she was checked for a UTI
@Headspark I hope so too
Ok. I hope it’s not too serious.
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@LilyoftheValley I hope the same
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Fingers crossed that it’s ok.
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@everhopeful same
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Best wishes for your mom
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@anon68444330 thank you
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hope everythings okay, God bless.
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Thanks @POET
Best wishes to your Mom @Twialine
Hopefully she’ll be fine.
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@Wave same here thank you
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I hope your mom is ok. I’ll pray for her.
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Thank you @SkinnyMe
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