My housemate next door

She’s started using incense all the time.

I really can’t stand the smell it’s really strong even with my windows open.

It’s a fire hazard.

If the landlady knew I wonder what she’d think.

She is very careful about fire risks.

We are on the loft floor


I’m scared to bring it up to her or the landlady.

Because I’m scared of potential conflict and tension in the home.

Dunno what to do…

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Does your landlady allow smoking in the house? If not, then other smoke-emitting sources like incense would probably also be against house rules.

Maybe your housemate is burning incense to cover up something else such as smoking. :thinking:

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My suggestion is to get a fog machine and point it under the door.


Tell her you are allergic?

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Yes I’d say something in a non confrontational way. You have a right to the comfort of your own space. Shouldn’t have to deal with that. And you’re right it is a fire risk.

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I think just put a towel under your door.

Thankyou guys. This has given me the courage (hopefully) to let her know I’m getting headaches from the incense. Let’s see what she says.


I haven’t told her yet. I’m so nervous. Sigh…

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If she says no…I suggest you drop kick her dead in the face :grin:

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Ugh I’m so stressed out over this bs :joy:

Maybe you could leave a note through her letterbox… i sometimes contact neighbours this way.

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I read up about it, there’s shitty crap in those incense aromas… No wonder I’m getting a headache from it.

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I thought I was the only one stressing over stuff like that :sob:

I get mad when the neighbors make any noise :person_shrugging:t4: then I play my music really loud when it’s quiet :roll_eyes:


Lol 15charcters

Does your landlady live in the same house as the renters? If so, maybe bring it up with her and she can check out the situation for herself and address it.

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I have tons of incense and I burn them exclusively when I’m trying to cover up weed.

I light one even outside when I smoke.

She’s smoking in there, fo sho.


Your awesome Zoe :grin:

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Yes she lives there too… Maybe she has a right to know cos it’s a fire hazard and she’s super careful about stuff like that

Not as awesome as you :sun_with_face::sunglasses: