My head is back in the game!

So as some of you knew, awhile back i sort of lost my shiit. I stupidly went off meds and ruined my work, my family and other stuff.

Ive battled to get back into the working game, but recently i got a huge job offer to do a huge project.

Im grateful for what clozapine has done for me. It saved me.

If theres hope for me, then theres hope for you too.

Thanks and hope you having a wonderful day.



I’m so happy things are going well for you! Kudos on not being afraid of clozapine and giving it a chance!


Yaaay, that’s wonderful news! Congrats on the job and I’m so glad that the medicine has helped you get back on track.


Glad a med worked for you!

I’m about ready to try Haldol now, even if it shrinks my brain and slows me down, I just need to work and get my life on track already.

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Hello @anon39015889! I’m so glad your life is looking up. Take care of yourself!

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