My friend was hospitalised and she ran away

my friend ran away from the mental care ward yesterday and i was very worried about her but she turned up and i managed to persuade her to go back to the hospital so i contacted the police bc she was a missing person and they took her back to the mental care ward with me and we managed to get her discharged that night and things are better now. it was a terrible experience for her though and everybody was worried about her, she was let go bc they deemed her fit enough after an assessment and the doctor we saw was very good. please dont ever run away from care bc it is very scary and hurts everyone my friend was a wreck when she came back to my flat and paranoid etc it was not a good idea.


your friend is lucky to have some one who cares like you :heart:
take care :alien:


I’ve run away and lived on the street before because I didn’t want to take Haldol. If they tried to make me take Haldol again I would probably do the same thing.

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