She said she didn’t have any money for food and hadn’t eaten for days. She was asking for money. I told her to come over and I would feed her. So they came over and I fed them leftovers. They were genuinely hungry. I don’t begrudge her food.
You did the right thing,
Giving her food, not money.
Good mom.
Did she seem sober?
Great choice. You are an amazing mom.
Honestly she seemed like maybe she was coming down, you know how you get when you’ve been on meth for a few days and then you finally come down and want to eat and sleep? That’s what she seemed like to me, but I can’t say if that’s just me being paranoid or what.
Does she have a job or an income?
Thank you @GrayBear that means a lot
She does odd jobs and collects welfare money and food stamps but she’s claiming she didn’t get her welfare and food stamps this month. She’s lying. I know she’s lying or she would have been over here all month looking for handouts.
Wow that’s rough. I’m sorry you have to go through that, it sounds like a very ambivalent situation. I’ve never done any drugs other than beer and weed, they scare me too badly.
I’m surprised she doesn’t end up with a guy who will pay for her stuff and possibly not treat her well. All sorts of stuff can happen when you have that vulnerability. Hope things go well somehow.
thanks, I hope things go well somehow too. Perhaps as @GoldenRex has said in the past she’ll hit rock bottom and then things will get better.
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