My Dad has Cancer

@Hedgehog I’m so sorry. Do you know whether your father completed a healthcare power of attorney document prior to the dementia setting in? That document, if it exists, would contain his wishes about end of life care.

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I’m so sorry you went through that, @Ninjastar. It’s a nightmare. I already went through this with my mom who lost her mind while being treated for lung cancer. I never thought my dad would have cancer to go along with his dementia.

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My brother has power of attorney and has been in that position since early in my dad’s dementia. He supervised my dad completing a will and trust, etc. But I don’t think he did the living will.
My dad would choose life as long as he can experience life, but the dementia steals that from him. I have no say in this situation, so I just have to trust that my brother will make the most compassionate choices. Thank you, @Moonbeam.


@Ninjastar, I appreciate that question about whether I have support. I have brothers and sisters who are going through it too, although we’re not as cohesive as we were during my mom’s ordeal. I have one sister who lives nearby and we’re already supporting each other. My husband is as supportive as he can be, and my son will be moving in with us in a few days so he and I can support each other.
Your kindness is comforting, @Ninjastar. I’m sorry that you know because you’ve been there. :heartpulse:

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