My dad and I are feeling sick

I’ve got a mild sore throat, stomach issues, feeling run down some sinus congestion and watery eyes and a bit of a runny nose.

My father doesn’t feel good either.
He’s got a headache and runny nose , feeling run down.

I hope it’s not COVID.

Hopefully it’s just a cold of some sorts.

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These are all symptoms of the delta variant.

Can you get a covid test?


Yea get tested.

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But no fever and no respiratory issues @everhopeful

And I’m having stomach problems.

I doubt it’s COVID but if it continues we’ll get tested.

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Delta symptoms are different. And you’ve got them.

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Thanks @everhopeful!
Good God I have all the symptoms except for a fever!

We are getting tested today.


When my husband and I got COVID,

Neither of us got a fever.

I think it’s a really good idea to get tested.

Glad you are.


Thanks @GoldenRex
Good to know.

We’re going to get tested but we’re feeling better already.

So I don’t know what I should do.

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It’s likely not COVID,

But I’d still get tested.

My husband and I both got super sick the first week we were not required to wear masks.

You could have just caught a common bug.

It’s still best to test if you have most the Delta symptoms.


Poor Wave cannot seem to catch a break lately. Hope you get to feeling better. It probably wouldn’t hurt to get tested if you aren’t feeling better soon.

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I’m getting tested today because I think I had a fever last night and I have a runny nose. I just want to be safe not to spread it if by some chance it is the delta variant.

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i was feeling sick too recently and they did covid test on me, it was negative… i hope yours will be negative too.

I also felt really bad…

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I don’t feel good today. Kinda nauseous but no fever , headache , runny nose so…



oops I thought this was the say anything thread. Wheres my second 24 hour delete when I need it.


You’re not the only one who’s done that! Haha :laughing:


Thanks guys.
Me and my dad just got tested.
I really don’t feel well.
I’ll know in a couple of days.
The doctor there said that the vaccines will usually give us milder symptoms if it’s COVID.

This puts me at ease a little.


Good news.
We both don’t have Covid.
Our tests were both negative!

We are both going to wear masks around others from now on.


That’s great news !

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Thanks @everhopeful

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wow, you got your results back fast. I’m already feeling better and realizing it can’t be covid before I get the results.

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