I'm still feeling under the weather

My nose isn’t as stuffy but I still feel like I might have a low grade fever and I have chills. I have a tummy ache and no appetite. I have a headache, but I always have a headache, but this feels more in front. My joints sort of ache. I’ve got some crappy bug.

A few days ago my son was over, I had ordered a pizza and a small salad for him. He ate the salad and refused the pizza claiming loss of appetite. I remember him complaining about being all stuffed up at work and them giving him nasal spray. I bet I caught this from him then. Little turkey he said it was allergies.

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sorry I hate being sick…I guess you are vaccinated?

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I am vaccinated but I’m getting tested today just to be safe.


ok…good thinking…

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yea @Moonbeam suggested it last night so I set it up. I don’t want to go spreading it if by chance it is covid delta variant.

man, I hope you don’t test positive for the variant…!! let us know as soon as you get the results…!!

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ok, I will. 1515


How are you feeling @Leaf ?


Did you get your tests results back? @Leaf


I’ve got the same symptoms you are experiencing @Leaf.
I got tested for Covid today.
I’ll know the results in a couple of days.
I’m glad I got vaccinated but still worried.
I’m obese and suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure.

Let’s get through this together @Leaf!
Hoping for the best!

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@Moonbeam @TheCanuk @Wave I’m feeling better than yesterday so I really doubt it’s the delta variant. But I did go this morning and get tested just to be safe. I thought the testing was easy, it was drive through at the pharmacy. @Wave I’m hoping you and your Father are ok and get better soon.


Thanks @Leaf 1555

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My father is feeling much better but I think I’m getting worse.
Hopefully it’s not Covid


oh no, I hope not.

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