My cousin died

Reading things like these reminds me to not be so cold. I know everyone means something to someone.


Thatā€™s so true @schizophrenisaurus

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Oh my God thatā€™s awful!
May God bless her.

Iā€™m sorry @LilyoftheValley

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Iā€™m sorry about your cousin @LilyoftheValley Thatā€™s terrible

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Thanks @Wave @anon21849028


That is really tragic Iā€™m so sorry.


Thanks @Zoe

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Sorry for your loss @LilyoftheValley

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Vwry sorry. Thats so sad.

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Sorry for your loss.:pray:t4:

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Very sad to see people go like that. Sorry for you and yours loss.

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Thanks @TheCanuk @anon4362788

Thanks @SacredNeigh7 @rogueone

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I am sorry to hear about your cousin @LilyoftheValley! Very sad!

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Thanks @anon97859349

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@LilyoftheValley I know you youā€™ve been worried about your cousin, this is a terribly tragic ending for her. I send you and the rest of her family my thoughts and wishes for healing in this difficult time.

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Thanks @Leaf i really appreciate that

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sorry for your loss @LilyoftheValley
my sisters fiancƩ overdosed on heroin he was 24
its an awful drug i feel for any victims and more for there ones left behind

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How tragic. So sorry to hear. Many blessings for a better tomorrow.

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Thanks @yoda123 @TomCat