My co-workers are wary of me at work because they know I have schizophrenia

G’day stranger :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I did a few call outs for you wondering where you were.

How are you?

Nice to see you.

If they see you as less of a person for having schizophrenia then that says more about them……

Hope you will be included and feel good at work.

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It’s good. I have not worked in a while though.

Got another job, so will see how that goes for now

Did you accept the job?

No not yet, i have a interview today for a job in social work, i enrolled my self in a oriëntation program to become a engineer and i have a call on monday for landscaping. So im debating about what i should do

It’s always good to have options!

Wish you best of luck with what you choose to do

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Thanks man!
Hope it works out

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