My Birthday Today

I’m so old, when I was a boy rainbows were in black and white. :wink:

I’m content nearing my mid fifties. I’m healthy, happy and I’ve lead a pretty good life. Watching my daughters grow into young ladies is wonderful. A 30 year relationship with my sweetheart has been special.

And I enjoy all of the acquaintances I’ve made on this forum.

The family will celebrate with me at a restaurant this weekend. Dad has given me a gift card for a Steak House. :slight_smile:


Happy birthday @anon39054230! :birthday:

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oh happy happy birthday @anon39054230

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Enjoy your special day

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Happy birthday!!

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Happy birthday!!

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Happy birthday!

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hey Patrick, have a nice day :slight_smile: :+1:

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Happy Birthday !

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Happy happy birthday to you @anon39054230!

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Thank you all for the well wishes!

It’s strange. Your own childhood seems to last forever, but when you hit your 20’s and start working…the decades just seem to tumble. The last 20 years specifically have just flown by.

But although I’m 54, I’ve always been young at heart…thinking I’m only 25 years old in my brain. I’ve always gotten along with the younger generation because of this. It’s why I was able to connect with 23 year old @zwolfgang and collaborate on a song together.

Although I tease Millennials, i really like them a lot. They’re worldly, smart, funny, knowledgeable…etc. I’ll forever remain young at heart despite being middle aged.

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My one piece of advice to those of you under the age of thirty…

Take a leap of faith with the talent/ gift you’ve been born with.

“The first step you never take, will be the longest journey you’ll ever have.”

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The year I was born…1966…

Average Cost of new house $14,200.00
Average Income per year $6,900.00
Gas per Gallon 32 cents
Average Cost of a new car $2,650.00
Parker Pen Set $11.95


Happy birthday ya sexy baastard!

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Another trip around the sun. Hope it was a good one. Happy Birthday.

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Happy Birthday @anon39054230! :birthday:

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Happy Birthday!

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Wish you all the best!

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Happy birthday! :smiley:

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Happy birthday, @anon39054230! All the best and lots of health for you and your family!!! :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:

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