ive been using music to keep thoughts outta my head and it works. my paranoia has gone down. cause i cant think much when im blasting music in my ears and its easier to not allow thoughts to form in my head. when i allow myself to think my mind jsut comes up with with scary stuff and then i believe it and then it sticks with me for a very very long time and grows into a big conspiracy. so its best not to allow any thoughts to start.
Well for me it’s actually the opposite, I have functional hallucinations triggered by music where basically the lyrics change somewhat, more and more elaborately when I am psychotic. Despite that I enjoy music, I use it and the resulting hallucinations as something to ruminate over or focus on expressing the concepts in the songs emotionally to recover emotional thought(the ability to use emotions to express increasingly complex ideas precisely) or on replicating the emotions in the voices to get my mood going since I am rather emotionally unresponsive unless I nudge myself.