Multi Tasking Anyone? + POLL

Anyone good at multi tasking? i remember in my clubhouse i had 4 or 5 jobs going at one time and it was really good fun, i’ve mellowed down a bit now bc of cfs and stress/anxiety.

But in my flat when i go home at night i could be doing up to 5 things at the one time and i love it, Like tonight for instance i am watching Golf & listening to music, typing on ths forum and i was playing guitar, i also read and eat and talk on the phone at the same time :slight_smile: its good fun.

Idk if anyone else enjoys multitasking like this.

Do you like Multi tasking?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes
  • A lot
  • Multi tasking sucks
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Pats @shutterbug s head and rubs @Montezuma s belly

sir level da multi tasker



This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George discovers he can watch TV have sex and eat a sandwich all at the same time


That is on my bucket list (pardon the pun!) Believe me,

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Sometimes I listen to music while doing other hobbies if that counts. I usually stay on one thing at a time though

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Multitasking generally means doing multiple tasks half-arsed instead of doing one thing well.


This is what I have found, at least for myself.

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I’ve just multi tasked the poll !


tbh, I get how people say that you can focus on one thing at a time and its better than doing multiple things at the same time but i think i can designate time & brain space to certain task i will try and demonstrate this using a pie chart

You’ll have to imagine the pie chart is my brain and say i was listening to music then i can dedicate 15% of my brain to listening, if i was listening to my friend on the phone at the same time that could be another 20%, if i was watching tv in the back ground thats maybe 5% and thinking at the same time 50%, 10% could be focused on typing. so in my example you can see how a person can divide up parts of his/her brain to suit the tasks at hand and still make progress…

Although obvs not as well as dedicating 100% to each task one at a time.

I can’t multitask. If I try to read and listen to music or the radio I notice that I didn’t hear when I was concentrating on reading. I can eat and listen to the radio. I’m good at eating

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Multitasking is a fine art, you need to practice, its a skill you can learn and get better at i think.