Mr Thoughtless, childish hebephrenic

He makes me shout, scream, cry, laugh uncontrollably, fall down, run, jump, he makes me say gibberish, nod yes or no with my head, say neologisms, words that don’t exist, makes me do silly gestures with the hands and crazy expressions with the face

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When I say that hebephrenic schizophrenic controls me, it means that i have an hebephrenic side

Silliness is the sign of hebephrenia/disorganized schizophrenia. I have it

So, maybe undifferentiated schizophrenia is more accurate than paranoid

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Hebrew…Jewish??? hebrephrenic how many has that and how many have HEARD about it??? Om_Sadasiva

What?? 666999kkklll

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When you say he makes you… What happens if you resist? Why do you comply?

I don’t resist. I can’t. It’s natural to comply and obey. There’s no time to resist. I am like a robot doing all these stupid things.

Try to resist or delay doing what he orders, and see what happens.
You need to train yourself to not comply.

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