Money saving tips

I bought diet Faygo Cola instead of Diet Coke. Tastes the same.

I also take 5 minute showers. What are your tips


My general rule is to consume less. Cheap holidays. Look for promotions. Try to sell things you don’t need anymore.

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My sister has been disabled since birth. She makes jewelry, dream catchers also for extra cash. She also does face painting at local fairs for extra dough. She’s a genius when it comes to stretching her food budget.


Doe she have a website where she sells her stuff? Or does she just sell to family and friends.

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During tight times at Christmas time we swap bills and pay them as a gift to the other other ways to save money spell necessities first and everything else last your goals and priorities should be based on your outcome not income I hope any of this helps


Just family and friends and sometimes she’ll set up a booth at a fair. She may not be selling dream catchers anymore cos she’s a Christian and probably considers them pagan.

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So at the moment I’m not the greatest when it comes to saving money (manic spending and all that)… But, when I do save money, these things help:

  • Buy produce that’s in season

  • Transfer 30% of your paycheck directly to your savings account

  • Do not use credit cards unless you know you can pay it off in full

  • Buy stuff that’s on sale only

  • Hit up your local thrift store for gently used goods

…I should really follow my own advice :upside_down_face:.


Put everything you spend each month in a spreadsheet, and knowing exactly what money spare you have each month helps you decide what to do

I have done this for a few years, and it has helped me a lot.

Everything is pretty much a direct debit, and it’s easy to see the and balance go down, but the banking app has no one place that shows your regular outgoings.

I use it to plan spending and save before I purchase - rather than putting it on a credit card and paying interest…

Just a suggestion to anyone looking to improve their finances…

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Buy discount, preferrably in bulk.
Make grocery lists before shopping and look into the prices for the store you’re going to (through their magazines, apps or webshops) to get an overview og what it’ll cost you.
The good thing with this is it lessens the odds of random purchases, especially if you limit your shopping to once or twice a week.

Get food items with long expiration dates, and with multiple purposes.

Buy clothes from fleamarkets or thriftshops.
Learn basic sewing skills so you can mend your clothes.


The best tip I have is to live within your means. If you cannot afford it, don’t buy it, even if you can make payments. Credit just extends debt.


If you video game, it can be expensive. My tip is to be patient, a $60 game when it first releases will be discounted within a few months.

I’ve saved thousands over the years with sales and patience. Recently spent $93 for over $400SRP worth of games. Got a dozen or so.

I’m a happy gamer, and I saved a bundle, not bad for a gift card for doing some busywork for my 82 year old grandfather. Lol.

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I save money by going on restricted diets.

I have a very warm blanket which means I don’t have heating on

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I invest in a TFSA every month. It’s a special type of investment account they created here in Canada. If you can afford it squirrel away a little money every month for the future (retirement) and never touch it.

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I do this, too. As soon as I get paid, I pay myself first, and then live off of whatever is left.


i heard lentils and rice are really cheap for food


If you want to save money just be a minimalist.

Less is more

Quality > quantity

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