Keep receipts and records of everything you spend for a month. If you buy a piece of bubblegum write it down. Then at the end of the month take those records and figure out what you’re blowing your money on.
For the folks that are getting snap or ebt I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet but Amazon now takes it. I know at first glance it looks too expensive, but if you look around awhile you can find some great deals on things. I’ve scored a couple big saving deals on oatmeal, popcorn, organic sports drinks. But I noticed moments later the prices went back up so you got to snag the sales when you see them. And if you didn’t know, your ebt card gets you prime membership for a few bucks a month. It’s incredible.
I diversify my shopping - all online delivery so its not a lot of work.
But i get only the cheapest and in bulk from amazon. Aldis. Target. Krogers.
I c a n n o t s a v e a p e n n y
I have actually saved money by not going out for diner frequently. Just every now and then with friends to socialize.
Also, replacing one meal a day by a shake has saved me money as well.
Also I have a cheap mobile phone subscription with a low cost telephone company.
I replaced my golden credit card with a regular one.
I’m saving in a retirement plan that gets me tax deductions and I donate to (tax deductible) charities.
I can’t think of anything else right now.
If possible reuse your ziplock bags.
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