Mixing alcohol with valium

Any advice ? I’m in a sleezy hotel room with bed bugs. There 5 mg

I’d say don’t. It’s not a good idea.

How much alcohol are we talking and what’s you’re intent? I don’t know about valium but I took a months worth of Xanax with a bottle of jack daniels once and spent the next day barely able to stand up. It wasn’t pleasant.

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26 of Eldorado rum

I took 21 Xanax once. cause this song is called oxycotton and wanted to see wut would happen. Just slept for Idk how long. But I felt really depressed in the morning

Mixing the two is a bad idea, and posting under the influence of either or both is in violation of forum guidelines. Suggest looking for healthy support if you are feeling down as chemical fixes generally make things worse, not better.


Volunteer moderator.

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