Micro Chip in Brain?

Hi everyone, it is comforting to know others know what I am going through. I have a question.

I have this unusual belief that a couple of my friends put a microchip in my brain and made a social media site where people can read my mind and control it. When I hear people talk I always think there are subliminal messages in everything people say and do to either hurt me or communicate with me.

Is the idea there is a micro chip in the brain/people reading your mind a common delusion?

Welcome to the forum. :sunny:

Believing that you have some kind of implant is a common delusion in schizophrenia.

Have you spoken to a psychiatrist? Are you on any meds if you don’t mind me asking?

Welcome to the forum.


This is a common delusion, but hard to overcome.

For years I thought there were cameras in my eyeballs,

After the right meds and therapy I hardly ever think about it anymore.

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I am seeing a doctor, luckily. I am on Clozapine and it has proven to be a wonderful drug when it comes to making me emotionally stable. I still have delusions, but I am able to recognize them much better.


implants and people reading your mind are both common delusions. I had them both ,at one time or another, as well.

Like @GoldenRex said , sometimes delusions can be a difficult thing to get rid of.

I still have some unusual beliefs myself that don’t seem to be going anywhere despite being on meds.

But rest assured you don’t have a chip in your brain controlled by your friends.


It is an old common theory imo. rather than a delusion. I think it becomes a delusion when you start lose some of your self-dignity to the others and think it like it’s conspiracy. As example the video-games suggest it’s possible to do so as well. Mika doesn’t think that microchip would mean you’re unworthy because of your theory like this. It’s the paranoia that makes you fear you’re a bad person. I would calm down, take a deep breath and relax. Your theory is a classical one and you just speculate about it and are the brave part of the gang here. Kudos! And well, you do deserve to be heard out too. Nobody can’t still not prove it, but i’m pretty sure that Dr. Kilde who was also a doctor, wasn’t the last and final person who brought this classic out for everyone to hear.

If someone other than a trained brain surgeon put something in your brain, you’d be dead.

Maybe, but what would be your wild guess so this theory would partly not lose to this common explanation then?

There is no wild theorythat would work in real life. Even if a chip could be implanted, what about surgery to crack open the skull? Healing time? The fact that thoughts can’t be broadcastedor controlled?

If I would have a microchip as a fact, I would be a McGyver and destroy the gear sending voices and leave the micrchip where it is. LOL! :sweat_smile:

I thought they implanted it under my skin, and it comprehends brainwaves or something. I fear that my friend broke into my house at night, knocked my out with some drug, and then planted it under my skin.

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