Mental health workers suck

I’m not to happy I was in the hospital last week and felt okay for like two days after now I don’t feel okay and don’t want to go to the hospital I call my health workers and they are no help at all I want to be re-evaluated they said that’s something the doctor decides I tell her I had an appointment with the nurse for one and missed it she tells me then I have to tell my case manager well she’s on vacation and hasn’t been much help lately before she use to be 100% with me and helpful now I don’t feel she is they transferred me to the supervisor and she don’t pick up I could of left a voice message but I’m just so done at this point. Then I find out that if I’m sick and have to leave early I can’t make up the hours at school I have to inform them a week in advance if I’m gonna miss time like wtf I’m just so depressed and not okay right now and it seems nothing is going okay at all

Yup they do. I try not to depend on public health care providers for that reason.

That’s a rambling sentence, my outpatient clinic has crisis hours first thing in the morning. Can u find out if yours does too? Go first thing tomorrow morning.

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That’s what I do best ramble and get nothing in return but judged and hated on and treated like ■■■■ and ignored when I need them to listen

I really do hear you @Mentalnikki214
Not all Mental Health Workers are created equal.
I had to fire my therapist who was basically harmful to my well being and who behaved in a grossly incompetent manner towards me.

She was a private psychologist.

Also the Mental Health Workers at the last psych Hospital I went to, were abusive and negligent people.

There are some good Mental Health Workers out there, you just have to find them.


i agree with wave, not all of them are bad

i have had this diagnosis 12yrs and in that time most of my p/doc were good except for one guy out of ten, my cpn’s were ok apart from one guy out of about 5, but the duty nurse at my old clinic were terrible and i havent tried the new clinics duty nurse so idk, but yeah, i think most of them have been very caring apart from the odd one or two people,

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