I’ve only been taking Effexor for 3 or 4 days now and I already can’t orgasm. I’ve been trying for hours now and nothing. Yesterday it took me much longer than normal too. Immensely frustrated. This is one of my most loathed side effects, got it on risperidone too. Never had any issues with Zoloft. Why do psych meds have to be so damn miserable?
Sorry for the tmi but I am highly irritated right now.
Was trying to find the serenity or firefly scene where they first enter the bar. One of the women is like “i got nothing twix my nether regions ain’t run on batteries” then jane is like “I can stand to hear a little bit more”. Could only find this though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPHWOi_DAjU&ab_channel=EmanueleDrago
Side effects with meds tend to subside over time. Think it really takes a good 6 months to see any real results. Sorry about the orgasms you women are so complicated as it is. Hopefully it comes back with time.
Maybe get creative with some new toys. Heard of some really good results from some of the massage wands around.
P.s. Hard to keep this supportive and platonic. (Sorry my deviate mind at work again).
It’s a very common side effect, one of the most common actually. I don’t know why I never got it with Zoloft…regardless it is important for me I be able to have an outlet for myself because when my libido is too high it tends to actually trigger my psychosis. Not good.
The whole reason I went off Zoloft was because I thought it was causing my urinary issues. Now I suspect that may not be the case. I’ve actually also found things saying the specific type of birth control I’m on can cause very low estrogen, which makes your bladder mess up and causes urinary frequency as well. The thing is I’d been on that birth control for years without issue, but I did get the brands changed on me more recently so that could be it.
My parents missed a payment on our insurance so I couldn’t get any of my prescriptions so I actually haven’t been taking birth control for the past few weeks. (I’m not sexually active and only take it for cramps and skin reasons so not too big a deal) and I have noticed over the past few days my issues seem not to be as intense? But I can’t be sure yet. I thought the same thing when I quit Zoloft.