Many moons ago

I told you about my mom breaking her leg and needing to be in a wheelchair for at least 6 months. She ended up in the chair for 10 months. Now she can walk with a Walker and stand in the kitchen to do cooking and baking. She is so happy to be mobile. She will still require months of rehab but every day she gets stronger. I’m so thankful.


Glad she is getting better :giraffe::giraffe::giraffe:


My mother in law broke her hip 8 months ago,

She was only supposed to use a walker for 6 weeks,

She still is using it.

I get her most things, wait on her hand and foot.

Sounds like your mother is much more recovery oriented and is doing well.

Glad to hear she’s recovering.


She has always been so active so this 10 months was hard for her. She taught my dad how to cook and bake lol. My dad was so willing to do what pleased her. They are so cute. Every morning he’d bring her a muffin and coffee while they waited for homecare to help her get dressed and out of bed.


That’s sweet, @FatMama.


My mom’s still recovering from a bunch of fractures from being hit by the car. She’s in her fifties though pretty spry, has recovered enough to walk normally. She gets tired if she pushes herself though. It’s been four months and eleven days since she was hit.

During my last visit, it was nice bringing her stuff but you could tell she really wanted to do stuff for herself the whole time. We did get to watch a lot of Hulu together.

I’m glad your mom is better too. My mom did in-house rehab with appointments, the woman who came over to do it was nice and they had great conversations.


My mom is 84 and has always been super active. I am not half as active as she was! I’m glad your mom is doing well. :blush:


I’m happy to hear she’s mobile now. After 10 months that’s quite an accomplishment!


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