Man if you're in the south

Dont go out. It’s supposed to be 105 degrees


That’s super hot.

I’m in Northern California with no A/C and it’s supposed to be 100 today.

Not looking forward to it.

At all.


The feel like is 106 in Southern Louisiana but I have the ac on 68


UK weather is finally cooling down. We had a week of heatwaves before that. Hopefully a thunderstorm tonight.

It’s forecast to hit 110 in parts of the SF Bay Area. That’s concerning because this is the fire season in CA.

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There’s 39 days left of summer to ride out. I’m praying to the universe for nights to be cold again. At sunset I open windows on opposite sides of the house and it only helps a little. I go driving just to use my car’s AC.

I’m Already Trying to Get Ready For The Next Winter.

I Like to Spend as Much Time Outside as Possible. Strange Enough, The Intense Glare of The Sun, Never Bothered Me. I Tend to Enjoy The Heat. Even in Intense Humidity.

But!, as The Winter Tends to Creep Closer, I Am Ready For Some Ice. If it Snows, The Quiet Peaceful Beauty of Snow is Incomparable to Anything.

Even The Heat.

But!, I Miss The Beach.

I’m Wandering. It’s Going to Get Really Cold When it Finally Arrives.

And I’m Ready.


:black_heart: :sleeping: :black_heart:


I can still swim in my pool until October. It doesn’t cool off here until November so there is a lot of summer left.

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It was 113f for couple of days here a while ago.

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■■■■. Come on cold ass weather

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117 today! I’ll take a super hot summer over winter any day. Although I agree there is something peaceful about snow.

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You get snow over there? Here it gets to -44C during snowstorms. Usually its -25 to -35C in the winter.

It was really hot here today too. Thankfully I didn’t have to walk anywhere.

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Summer heat gone here

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