Made my guest a big dinner

This has been the best summer iv had health wise since before I got diagnosed. I just hope it lasts
I must be feeling good because I have company over, 3 people, and I haven’t had one anxiety attack or anything. Always in a good mood.
I cooked up grilled halibut I caught 3 days ago here in Alaska, spot prawns, New York steak and corn on the cob
Great night. Not sure how long my company lasts but they are chill. It’s nice to be around folk after always being alone


Well done on a successful venture. Dinner did sound good food wise! Well done you! Enjoy the good times and keep on keeping on!


The risperidone has done wonders for me! I’m on a low dose too surprisingly. I hope I have recovered
Cool guys. One loves craft beer just like me. He owns his own craft brewery in Michigan . An IPA fan
Of course I have to be careful with beer because of the dopamine rush. Always in moderation tho.

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drools8) sounds like a great dinner for sure!

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They didn’t spit it out so it must of been edible :slight_smile: ha!

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