Loss of desire for creation

Hi everyone,

I hope it goes well for you.
My last nickname was “follement”.

I really need your advice :

I am on a high dose of risperidone (8mg) among other things, I also take lithium (1600 mg per day.), sertraline, and lamotrigine. And these are unfortunately essential doses for the moment.

I have always loved music composition.
I have a lot of instruments at home but the passion to “do it” is gone. Instead I watch tutorials, I read about it on facebook…

I have a schizophrenic friend who plays 2 or 3 instruments at the same time. He composes on the computer too.

I manage to keep an interesting voluntary work but it has nothing to do with the pleasure of composing.
The only time in the last 15 years that I was inspired was with abilify but this treatment doesn’t work for me. It makes me very nervous, and also with a high libido.

I would love to hear your advice and feedback on this.

Has this happened to you and have you found pleasure in being creative again?

It is also true that since the pandemic, I have a lot more trouble keeping my home tidy and I wash less often too. Do you think it’s the same cause as for the music?

Thank you very much in advance.


Congratulations on being able to volunteer.

I have many ideas but I don’t follow through on most of them.

I need a lot of rest.

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My psychiatrist once said when you lose interest in one thing , they encourage you to find something new to replace it.


I lost creativity long time back. I am unable to find my balance and there is less improvement in activity and interest. I almost burn out often.

But I am trying to change and turn the tables. I am trying to see the maximum positive and move on in life. It’s a tough road but have to travel.


Since sz my creativity has lessened


My problem is that whatever i create the voices take credit for, then ruin the fun of w intrusive thoughts
So i stopped trying for the most part.


Thank you very much for your feedback.
@everhopeful I would be really “bummed” to give up music :frowning:
It’s a big part of my life :frowning:

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I hate it. I forced myself to compose a blues head and 2 modal tunes but that’s it. During consevatory.

I had a great (and short) time doing music production tho… Different styles I guess. I find modern jazz tunes ugly, a lot of times. lol. Maybe this helps, producing is lots of fun.

Btw when I started from scratch with music and my instrument I was already sz medicated.


I lost all ability to enjoy and create music on all the ap’s I tried until a month ago when I started asenapine. I’m finally able to enjoy music again.


I probably didn’t use the right term.
I was talking about music production.
Thanks for your message!

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what is asenapine?
I can do a search but can you tell me more? :hushed:

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Ahh what style do you produce?

Here we have a music production thread, you can log your things if it helps you stay motivated.

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Oh yes I would be very interested! But I do electronic music at a low level since I haven’t done it for 10 years, I lost everything.

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I also played guitar, drums and piano at an amateur level

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In the thread @labratmat and I started from scratch to produce


Cool do you have the link to the thread?

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Its closed now, just open a new one!

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Okay. I’m a long way from home right now but in a few weeks I’m thinking about it!

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Damm you are an organ trio all by yourself.

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I have lost my talent.
Now i have nothing to state or express or share.

My mind is empty.
I have no feelings.
Feelings are the opportunity for creating art