Look at how well my place is organized


Not very.



I like your skulls!

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Kind of obvious that you’re a bachelor @mjseu.



@shutterbug I have been a single man since my divorce in America in March 2000, @77nick77 actually it is well organized, it may look chaotic :smile: , but all is in the good order, I have hobbies. Here is also a link to World Economic Forum, good discussions, Gen AI, assets etc.


Oh my goodness, you have Papa Smurf! How cool is that to have him sitting atop such a great eclectic mix!

@Shmookitty yes, Papa Smurf is great, I have been here in Eastern Finland since 2002 and I have been collecting all kinds of things, but what you can not see in the pic what is under all this mix. Some people may think I am disorganized and chaotic, I remember how I visited the office of one Michael Levin, the CEO of Holiday Inn Worldwide in 1994 in Atlanta, he had a skin (pulley) of the white tiger in his office room. He seemed to be chaotic, he was a Jew running one of the biggest hotel chains in the world. In the Orient the White Tiger has a special meaning.

In Chinese culture, the white tiger holds symbolic significance. It is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations, representing the cardinal direction of the west and autumn season. The white tiger is associated with power, strength, and protection. It is often depicted as a guardian figure, warding off evil spirits and providing defense. In Chinese mythology and feng shui, the white tiger is believed to bring about stability and security. Additionally, in traditional Chinese medicine, the white tiger is linked to the metal element and is thought to have a purifying and cleansing influence.

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Another pic from my place … I have many leather jackets.

I see no cat videos at that link.

No animals, I try to keep my place clean, nobody has visited me for over 10 years, I have also a couple of chairs etc. I sleep on my mattress on the floor, no room for any women, I actually like myself, I have a lot of things, for example recently I bought some old israeli coins, I have hobbies, I went to walk outside today, it was -23C, I may go more walking in this evening, here is how a bad investment Nokia could have been in 2001 when I bought some Finnish stocks by using a coin telephone from Miami Beach in the middle of the night.

You didn’t get my joke. Sorry, I generally don’t look at any news online now. News increases my stress, stress increases my symptoms, and increased symptoms means increasing my meds and lowering my quality of life.

Cat videos are better for my health.


Okay, I listen to music while I am going through my emails, I have over 1000 emails I could review, I just review some each day, in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland they have discussed AI a lot, about 50% of my emails are about AI, I get these from America, I like some Chinese pop remix music, I see people when I walk outside, even when it is this cold, -23C and windy

Another pic from my place, I have been writing and posting to you from here now over 10 years, I have collected some paintings you may see, it may seem chaotic but it is okay, what do you think?

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what’s with the Skulls?

I like the smiling skulls,I purchased my first one in one ancient fortress Carcassonne in Southern France in March 1999. I remember faxing one smiling skull document to the Kremlin in Sept 1999 when Putin came to power, you also noticed the red star smiling skull,I got it a few years ago. I have also a small statue of Lenin, if you look very carefully you can also see my memory stick in which I save my files from my laptop. It is a good method, my laptop broke in the summer and this memory stick saved my world.

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I’m not a big fan of things like that. i use to have a plastic skull and a mug skull but i appreciate life now more than death, life is more important to me

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We are not allowed to talk about politics here,but what I can say that I have been following how Vladimir Putin has advanced since Aug 1999 when he came to power and when I lived in the house in Atlanta, 25 years ago, a long time, I have friends such as one Russian Anton who is 300 km north from Moscow, he takes also nice pics here in Eastern Finland. I now post a pic of my sleeping place, I sleep on the mattress on the floor, it is my choice, not a financial issue.

I like memory sticks, I just got a new one. You may remember how Ed Snowden transferred docs from a NSA facility in Hawaii in a memory stick chip in the rubik’s cube, I have a lot of docs such as AI in my memory stick and f,ex, if I like to delight my Russian friend Anton I may just give him a memory stick. Actually I have many memory sticks with f.ex, videos of my father 15-20 years ago, he is dead already, I have collected a kinds of data and info during the past 21 years since I came back from the States. I recommend everybody to use either memory sticks or memory cards to backup all their data and info. Ed Snowden is now the citizen of Russia but he may have difficult times to talk because there is so much censorship in Russia due to the war.