Long-term effects of Roluperidone on negative symptoms of schizophrenia - PubMed

Pity it failed phase 3 trials and was rejected by the FDA.

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Do you think they’ll use it as an add-on instead of an AP instead?

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This article goes into details about it’s future.

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Looks like it is redundant then:

" A further competitive threat to the future of roluperidone is Acadia Pharmaceuticals’ Nuplazid (pimavanserin tartrate), which is being developed as an adjunctive therapy to target the negative symptoms of schizophrenia and is anticipated to launch in the US in Q4 2025. Unlike roluperidone, Nuplazid can be used in conjunction with antipsychotic therapies either long-term or during relapses, when positive symptoms of schizophrenia return.

The king is dead, long live the new king… :smiley: